How I turned a Class ‘D’ Apartment Classification complex into a Class ‘B’ complex.

PistolWhen I purchased my first 4-plex, it was in a first ring suburb, in a nice area of town. It was built in 1985. You could throw a rock outside the complex, and hit $300K homes on all sides. By anyone’s definition, this should be a great place.  Unfortunately, the apartment classification was less than to be desired. Continue reading “How I turned a Class ‘D’ Apartment Classification complex into a Class ‘B’ complex.”

Renter Horror Story – Mike The Murderer

crime-268902_1280-PDAll landlords have a renter horror story, I am no different.  As a landlord, I meet many interesting people.  As a Section 8 landlord in my early days, the people were MUCH more interesting.  Now I meet people who have jobs, might have a kid or two (with the same last name), and strive for success in a more standard method.  Most have never been arrested, let alone actually ever been in jail.   Quite a boring life… Continue reading “Renter Horror Story – Mike The Murderer”

Investment Property for Financial Independence

sunset-494544_1920-PDWhen I first became a landlord, it was somewhat by accident.  I didn’t even know I needed financial independence.  I wasn’t sure what to do, and how to do it.  I had a solid six-figure income job, and was able to weather out any storms.  I left one place vacant for 18+ months, because I didn’t have the time to work on it.  I took in some bad tenants, and suffered some aggravation.  Luckily, I had the income and backup capital to weather any storms. Continue reading “Investment Property for Financial Independence”

It’s like Finding Free Money!

pennies-15402_1280-PDIf you have ever found a $1 bill on the ground, you sometimes feel like you just scammed the entire world.  Free Money!  It’s not like you just saw someone drop it, but you see a dollar bill and no one is around.  Somehow, that measly $1 is very enjoyable feeling.  Even a quarter, when there are also a few other coins around, feels great. Continue reading “It’s like Finding Free Money!”