Risk of Tenants with Low Credit Score Explained

I wanted to expand on the credit score criteria in any Tenant Screening Requirements just a bit.

It is a fact that lower credit score individuals are a high risk to insurance companies, and for collecting payments. It is a fact that lower credit score individuals engage in riskier behaviors.

Here is why tenants with a low (or 0) are high risk.

Continue reading “Risk of Tenants with Low Credit Score Explained”

Evictions and Terminating Tenancies (in Minnesota)

hand-65688_1280-PDIf you have a tenant that you want to get rid of, there are many ways to go about it.  In Minnesota, here are the main ways and reasons to evict.  Minnesota is the host cost eviction in the Nation, so make sure you are prepared.  In 2013 the costs were as follows: $320 court costs, $100 to serve the summons, $55 for the writ.  $125 to serve the writ.  Plus vacancy, repairs, lost rent, and aggravation. Continue reading “Evictions and Terminating Tenancies (in Minnesota)”

Malware SUCKS!


I was attacked by a malware virus, but now all is permanently well, I hope.  I just know malware sucks!

I deleted and re-installed my WP site this AM, but if I would have had WordFence, it would have been easier.  I have it now.  I have only been blogging for a month now, I backdated a few entries to make it look like a longer period (lol).  Luckily I had a backup.

In any case, I should have had something like WordFence already, but I would never had thought my small site would ever be a target.  I guess I should take that as a compliment.

Thanks again to other bloggers who helped me out!

Budgets Are Sexy


My Sixth Investment Property and First Sheriffs Sale Purchase

SheriffIn Minnesota, we have a fairly involved foreclosure process.  After a sheriff’s sale, the owners has 180 days to redeem the property, and prevent the property from returning to the lien-holder.  This was my first sheriffs sale purchase, and my sixth investment property purchase.

Continue reading “My Sixth Investment Property and First Sheriffs Sale Purchase”