Countdown To Retirement – Financial Check Up 06/2015

Back in January 2015, I created some financial goals as a countdown to retirement.  The goals were pretty aggressive; it’s time to see if I have lived up to my plan. It is one thing to create a plan, and another to follow through with the plan.  On January 1, I had 551 days until …

Disadvantages of Being a Long Distance Landlord

If you are a long distance landlord, minor maintenance issues can become an expensive repair.   It is near impossible maximize your revenue if you are paying for every thing the tenants complain about.  And to make things worse, lower quality tenants complain more.  When they are going to be late on their rent, complaints become …

What to do When Your Tenant Dies

If you have been a landlord for a while, or have managed many units, sooner or later you will be faced with the question of what to do when your tenant dies. I recently had a tenant death, and it can throw a perfectly good rental unit into some flux.