Should I Allow a Co-signer for a Tenant?

Should You Allow a Co-signer for a Tenant? Risky tenants need co-signers.  You are considering whether or not to allow a co-signer for a tenant.  Should you? Is the tenant a marginal tenant in terms of income, credit score or rental history?  Or criminal record?  Generally, a lower income person might want or need a …

Screening Tenants For a Rental Property From a Landlord

When you are a landlord, you need to rent to good people.  Screening tenants for your rental property will be the key to your success.  The tenant can be of any race, religion, nation origin, etc. Screening tenants will determine the experience that you will have and how much money you have the potential to make …

November – December 2015 Rental Cash Flow

2015 has been a great year in terms of rental cash flow.  It is the first year I have actually tracked rent increases, vacancy and next year’s potential increases.  I have always tracked income and expenses, but as I get close to retirement, I think it is a great exercise to track these other things. I …